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man stretching

The Power of Stretching: Why Flexibility Matters More Than You Think

Stretching is vital to your physical health! Don't let it be an afterthought in your fitness or daily life.
running up concrete stairs

Unleashing the Power of HIIT Workouts

Your time is precious, and trying to figure out when to exercise and how long to do it can be a brain buster for those with busy schedules. Thankfully, you don’t always need a...
Boys diving into swimming pool

Dive into Greater Health by Embracing Swimming

Maybe you’re looking to switch up your exercise routine, or maybe you just want to start exercising and want to find something that will be sustainable for you. Have you thought about swimming? Many...
Mediterranean diet meal

Understanding the Mediterranean Diet

You’ve heard of it. Maybe you’ve read about it. But do you understand it? If you answered yes to that last question, keep reading anyway. Few diets resonate as profoundly as the Mediterranean diet....
Man holding groceries

Tips for Eating Healthy on a Budget

These are tough times for many people, especially for those who were already struggling when things weren’t so bad. The cost of living continues to rise, and maintaining a healthy diet on a budget...
Older people walking

Embrace Aging with Grace

Most of us will experience aging to some degree or another, and for many, aging can be an uncertain process. Mental and physical capabilities begin to decrease. Loved ones may start to pass away....
Everyday is a fresh start

Developing a Daily Routine

You may have heard the saying: you are what you repeatedly do. Whether we’re aware of it or not, the habits and routines we practice on a daily basis have a significant impact on...

Discover Your True New Year’s Resolutions

The new year is a time for reflection and setting resolutions. But what if you could go beyond the standard “lose weight, exercise more, eat healthier” goals? What if you could uncover your true...
Women hiding behind her hands

Shame: The Antithesis of Love and Connection

Shame. It’s one of the most destructive and isolating emotions that we experience. Shame can make us feel like we’re bad, wrong, and unworthy of love and connection. It tricks us into thinking that...
simple Livingroom

Why Minimalism Is Good for You: The Benefits of a Decluttered Life

When most people think of the word “minimalism,” they think of stark white walls, cold metal furniture, and people who live without any possessions. While this may be true for some minimalists, it is...